Bob and Betty Beyster at Junior Achievement
This past week’s big event was visiting Junior Achievement‘s new building at San Diego State University. Junior Achievement as you probably know is a nationwide program that trains young people to be businessmen and -women. To do this, they set up a number of small commercial stores at their facility. Each of these stores is peopled by students in grades 5-7. They carry on commerce between each other, buying and selling. They have two small banks, a Jack-in-the-Box restaurant, a telephone company, a TV studio, and the San Diego Foundation is present in case anyone wants to make a charitable contribution. Students borrow money from the banks and they pay it back. At the end of the day, it is expected to be a break-even operation with any profits given to the San Diego Foundation. Visitors are allowed to buy items for sale at the stores. Betty bought a Frisbee, and we had our picture taken by one of the student entrepreneurs from the Sea World booth. The program seems to be having a huge impact throughout the country.

As you know, we have been conducting a poll on today’s Presidential primaries. The results of our poll give Barack Obama a significant lead over Hillary Clinton in both Ohio and Texas, as well as in the overall contest. Frankly, I’m not a Democrat, but I hope Obama wins — I think he would be a better candidate. And who knows, I might choose to vote for him myself.

2 Responses to “Junior Achievement and the Democratic Primaries”

  1. 1 Regina Sebastian

    Dr. Beyster,

    I check into your blog every so often. I was happy to you and your wife looking so well. As a teenager I was a member of Jr. Achievement and remember two gentlemen from HEINZ who mentored our “company”. We made and sold Tie Died Tshirts and Wax Candles. What a wonderful organization. US companies should continue to support and expand this program through their mentorship/sponsorship of JR. Achievement .

    As for the Primaries. My vote from here in NC might actually mean something this go around. As a Democrat I am happy to be faced with two viable candidates that I could vote for without holding my nose. I admire and respect Senator McCain but I feel that he would only represent more of the same. We as a nation cannot afford more of the same in my humble opinion. I will be checking in again soon.

    Best Regards,
    Regina Sebastian

  2. 2 Dr. Beyster

    Regina: I don’t think I could in clear conscience vote for either Hillary or Obama. This is not because of any prejudices against women holding the highest office in the land. Since I’m a Republican, I was hoping that Rudy Giuliani would be the party’s candidate, but John McCain seems to me better qualified than either of the Democratic senators. I don’t think he will be more of the same. John McCain has learned from his experiences in the government, and will not be inclined to make the same mistakes Bush Jr. has made. — Bob

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