My first observation for today is that we have a lot of people looking at the blog, but not a lot of people commenting. Maybe we can do something about that today.

Last week was a moderately eventful week for me. In addition to my usual meetings at Cave Street, I went boating with my physical therapist Keith and Ron Arnold. Friday was Halloween and my son Jim dressed up as a vampire and scared the neighborhood kids. We had 100 such visitors.

On Monday, Mary Ann, Peter, and I spent the morning selecting some candidate book agents. We discussed our tentative title — Inventing the Internet — which will generally feature topics on the early days of the Internet and Network Solutions, the days when SAIC was running it, Verisign’s term, and some comments on the future. I’m not sure we have selected the best title; that’s why it’s tentative. If any of you would choose to recommend a title of your own, we would give it proper consideration. I’ll take the winner to lunch in San Diego.

Today we will all know who’s going to be running the country, and I hope we will all stand behind whomever is chosen. I’m interested in your feelings about the future of country under the new administration, although it’s difficult to predict. My priorities for the future will depend on who is selected. The financial markets are so bad lately that it’s hard to make a move. The bond market where I have most of my investments is holding, but not tremendously well.

Finally, Mary Ann asked me to mention that the FED has successfully launched the Curriculum Library on Employee Ownership (CLEO). Working with the Employee Ownership Foundation and the Aspen Institute Center for Business Education, the FED has created the largest online library of university teaching materials on employee ownership. To have a look for yourself, visit, and do a search for “employee ownership.”


16 Responses to “Wanted: Book Title Suggestions”

  1. 1 Dave Cox

    Unless the author is Al Gore I don’t think that “Inventing the Interent” is the best title.

    Maybe something like “How .COM changed the world – the story behind the growth of the internet.”

    Alternatively we call it “SAIC buys a networking lump of coal and turns it into an internet diamond”

  2. 2 Karen Garsson

    Hi Bob:

    The title you’re thinking about sounded so good that I was sure someone else had already used it. Unfortunately, author Janet Abbate got to it first some years ago.

    Don’t know what the protocol of reusing a title is. If any alternate candidate titles come to mind I’ll speak up.

    Best to you,

  3. 3 allen herskowitz

    My entry for the book title;
    “The Name Game”


  4. 4 Gil Binninger

    Dr. B.
    I agree with Dave Cox comment regarding Al Gore, “Inventing the Internet” seems like a non-starter.

    As an alternative, how about “Harnessing the Internet” with subtitle “Creating Order from Organized Chaos”

    seems to me that the .com explosion opened a whole new world of exciting technology and information highways never dreamed of, let alone to be exploited, by the masses.
    Gil B.

  5. 5 Marc Warburton

    How about “The Internet’s Brain Stem: Managing the World’s Nervous System” You could add “for Fun and Profit” after System.

    Hope all us well with you. Waiting for the first snow fall in Omaha.

  6. 6 Blake Escudier

    I’ve followed portions of your career and continue to be impressed – even more so since the company employing my wife – the largest manufactuerer in the Chicago area – last year turned employee owned (hybrid). The company is S&C Electric.

    Presently living in Melbourne Australia – I still follow your influence on Entrepreneurship (social, independent and corporate entrepreneurship).

    As for a name for your book: “Enter the Internet”

    If the book is more than just details on technology – then it would be appropriate to show how the “Internet” entered the world and brought about the myriad of ramifications. Just as many inventions revolutionized multiple aspects of human life ie: railroads changed the “New World” by transporting less “westerly” individuals to the open country; shipping delivered goods globally; air travel brought people closer – quicker; federal banking allowed for expansion funds; etc etc. (Can we blame Hamilton for today’s financial melt down?)

    I look forward to future discussions and continued learning.

  7. 7 Paul Szerszen

    Dr. Beyster,
    Looking at the above submissions, it seems that you are getting some good titles. I had a couple of thoughts also: “How the Net Was Won” or “Enabling the Internet” Personally, I like the first one better as it implies a good story – everybody likes a good story.

    Best regards,
    P.S. Will contribute more thoughts on algal matters soon.

  8. 8 Dr. Beyster

    Paul: Thank you for your suggestion. At the present time I’m fluctuating between “Enter the Internet,” “Harnessing the Internet,” and “The Name Game” as titles. What do you think? — Bob

  9. 9 Dr. Beyster

    Blake: I like your suggestion — it’s definitely in the running. Thank you. — Bob

  10. 10 Dr. Beyster

    Gil: Thank you for your suggestion. When we have a draft manuscript, I may make part of it available via this blog so that those of you who are interested can make final suggestions on the title. — Bob

  11. 11 Dr. Beyster

    Allen: I think your suggestion is a good one and it will be seriously considered. — Bob

  12. 12 Dr. Beyster

    Karen: Thanks for reporting that our title is already taken. It looks like we have many good suggestions to consider. — Bob

  13. 13 Dr. Beyster

    Dave: Thanks, Dave — we’ll be making the final decision on the title after the book is farther along and you and others have a chance to look at it. However, I like your title. — Bob

  14. 14 Mike

    How about “″

    more specifically, the first IP address assigned.

    just a thought.

  15. 15 John Dickerson

    Dr B-

    Being unaware of the content of your book, but knowing you and your approach to life, business and personal, the title “The Beyster Way” always seems a possibility….


  16. 16 Mike Cook

    Dr. B,

    I have a suggestion for the name of the book:

    “Look Up!”


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