Book Update, Day Trips, and Merry Christmas

We continue to make good progress on the Network Solutions book. The manuscript has been delivered to the publisher and they are beginning the editing process. I expect this process will take several weeks and will most likely not begin in earnest until after the holidays.

I hope you can help me out by sending along any photos that you think might be properly included in the book. If you have something of interest, please post a response to this blog, and we will get in touch with you.

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Last week we went on a tour of Universal Studios in Los Angeles. We visited some sound stages and saw how they make feature films. We even had the opportunity to participate in some scenes. It was quite an interesting trip. I have included a photo of us taken with Shrek and Fiona.

On Wednesday we made a trip to the San Diego Zoo Safari Park. We took the tram around the property and saw all sorts of wild animals, including giraffes, elephants, lions, and more.

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The weatherman says that we will not have a white Christmas this year. It will instead be sunny and about 70 degrees, with the Santa Ana winds blowing from the desert.

We will enjoy Christmas festivities at the Beach and Tennis Club again this year, and I would not be surprised to see the surfers out in force. I hope that wherever you are, you and your families have a very Merry Christmas.

— Bob

Dr. Beyster and friends at Universal Studios