Last week, the FED hosted the fifth annual Beyster summer symposium for scholars researching employee ownership and participation,...
Dr. J. Robert Beyster’s Blogs

Screening of “We the Owners”
On Monday I had the opportunity to attend a private screening of the FED's new film "We the Owners" at the Rady School at UCSD. Th...
Presidential Election and an Article on SAIC
Well, the Presidential election is now just hours away from taking place and from what I gather, each side is both worried and hop...
Reaction to Planned Breakup of SAIC
I would like to thank all of the current and former SAIC employees who responded to my post last week on the planned breakup of th...
Movie Trailer and Project Poster Session
I am pleased to let you know that the FED has released a trailer for their new film on employee ownership called We the Owners. Th...
University of Michigan Gift
As you by know by now, the University of Michigan holds a very special place in my life and in my heart. My father -- who was a gr...