An article in our local newspaper reported that Qualcomm co-founder Irwin Jacobs spoke before Congress last week in support of the...
Dr. J. Robert Beyster’s Blogs

Happy New Year and Plans for 2011
I would like to wish my blog readers a happy and successful New Year. 2011 promises to be a busy and eventful year for me and for ...
Award Winners and Trip Photos
I was pleased to see that the Center for Business Education at the Aspen Institute recently announced the winners of the 2010 Shar...
Fall Trip to the East and Economic Recovery
In addition to my usual routine, Ralph and I and others have been giving some thought to a trip East. We are making plans to go to...
Beyster Fellowship Symposium Recap
This week the second Beyster Fellowship Symposium took place here in La Jolla. It involved many sessions, all located at the La Va...
Beyster Fellowship Symposium, General Atomics Alumni, and Sailing to Oceanside
In March of this year, the Foundation for Enterprise Development sponsored the first Beyster Fellowship symposium on shared capita...