Last Friday evening my daughter Mary Ann Beyster and Names, Numbers, and Network Solutions editor Peter Economy attended the previ...
Dr. J. Robert Beyster’s Blogs

Remembering Former Northrop CEO Tom Jones
I recently read in the Los Angeles Times that Tom Jones, former CEO of Northrop, died a couple of weeks ago. Jones was probably th...
Subtitle Sought for SAIC Solution Second Edition
As you may be aware, we are currently working on the 2nd edition of my book about the origins, growth, and practices of SAIC, titl...
SAIC Book Cover Photo Project
We will soon be publishing The SAIC Solution 2nd Edition and would love for current and former SAIC/Leidos employees to be part of...
Book Updates and U.S. Government Hacking
We are continuing to make progress with both the book on Network Solutions and the second edition of The SAIC Solution. We are cur...
Book Updates, Boston Marathon Bombing
I was pleased to meet with Mike Daniels here in La Jolla a few weeks ago. He was here to discuss our progress on the Network Solut...