America’s Cup and Photos from Russia

I’ve been spending a little time trying to keep up with the America’s Cup and how the next competition will be handled. It appears that after a final decision is made by the New York Supreme Court or some appellate court, a race will be scheduled this year. Where it will be held is not clear from what I have read. Some writers indicate that it needs to be conducted in the Southern Hemisphere. If you have better information, you’re welcome to post it on this blog.

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From my standpoint, things have returned to normal here in La Jolla — if there is any such thing as normal. My wife and daughter returned from Russia, where they had a great time discovering the wonders of St. Petersburg — going to several operas and ballets, seeing the Hermitage, going to the czar’s hunting lodge, and eating at very good restaurants. They returned with many pictures, a few souvenirs, and a variety of impressions about the people and the city of St. Petersburg. St. Petersburg is clearly unique and it must be one of the two or three most beautiful cities in the world. I haven’t received all my gifts yet, but they brought me a very beautiful dinner bell which is already coming in handy. More gifts to follow. Here are a few photos from the trip.