Beyster’s Blog 2.0

Welcome to my new blog. We have been calling it, with tongue firmly in cheek, Beyster 2.0. My original reasons for doing a blog were twofold: to reconnect with my many friends and colleagues, from SAIC and elsewhere, and to solicit your ideas and input for my book, The SAIC Solution. I am pleased that we have succeeded on both counts. I have enjoyed my conversations with those of you who took time to post your notes and well wishes, and I found many of your ideas for the book to be good ones. We took many of them into account as we wrote the book.

Speaking of the book, I received a copy a few days ago — still hot off the press — and I am pleased with how it turned out. I believe it is a powerful testimonial to all SAIC employees who helped to build this great company and I am glad to be able to tell my part of the story. It’s my hope that, via this blog, many of you will now also choose to tell your own stories.

To help accomplish this goal, we have changed the architecture behind the blog and improved its functionality. As you can see, there are many more features and new ways to access information and keep track of posts. Please look around, try out the new features, and let us know what you think. Tell us what you like and what you don’t like, and if you have ideas for improving the way things work.

It is my hope to make this blog much more interactive and dynamic, with more frequent posts and a variety of different kinds of information and media. We will have guest bloggers and excerpts from articles, interviews, and more being developed for the new FED Publishing Program, in addition to my usual posts. Please join us in our mission by contributing — both to this blog, and to our Publishing Program. Remember: None of us is as smart as all of us.

I hope to see you at one of our upcoming book events. There is a schedule of events here on the blog. If you would like a signed copy of the book but can’t get to a signing event, then click the photo of the book cover and you’ll be able to order one from the FED. Again, welcome to my new blog. I hope you enjoy your visit.