Dr. J. Robert Beyster’s Blogs

dr j. beysters blog
J. Robert Beyster Papers at UCSD Special Collections

J. Robert Beyster Papers at UCSD Special Collections

It's been a little more than a year since the passing of Dr. J. Robert Beyster. While he may have left this world, his legacy cont...

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University of Michigan Gift

As you by know by now, the University of Michigan holds a very special place in my life and in my heart. My father -- who was a gr...

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Reflecting on 2011

2011 has been quite an eventful year for me. I spent the first few weeks of January in and out of hospitals, but my health improve...

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Blackout, Awards, and Leadership

As many of you may have heard, we had a widespread power blackout last week -- not just in San Diego, but all the way north into O...

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Gene Ray and Thoughts on Current Events

Before I get into my usual discussion this week, I would like to congratulate my good friend Gene Ray on being selected to join th...

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Innovation and Economic Growth

An article in our local newspaper reported that Qualcomm co-founder Irwin Jacobs spoke before Congress last week in support of the...

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