Municipal Bonds and Condo Development

This past week was a busy one for me. On Tuesday I had lunch with Peter Martin from UBS who hosted a lunch talk about municipal bonds. Robert Craig and Mindy Pawinski joined me. You might think that there is little to be said about this topic, but the municipal bond market is very healthy. Of all the different things I have invested in, I have gained more in this area than in most any other.

On Wednesday we drove up to Los Angeles where we met with John Dudzinsky. John is an electrical engineer who has become a very successful real estate developer and investor. I invested in a condo development that John put together in Santa Monica that has done very well. I am now considering investing in a new project that John has planned.

On Sunday I had a very pleasant meeting with Terry Fitzpatrick and Larry Peck from my SAIC days. Our discussions should provide much fodder for this blog.

— Bob

John Dudzinsky (Lantana Development), Mindy, Robert, and me in Santa Monica
This is a photo of John Dudzinsky (Lantana Development), Mindy, Robert, and me in Santa Monica discussing a real estate deal I am going to invest in Pacific Palisades. John helped me build SAIC at Campus Point.