Of Grants, Sailing, and the Current Political Situation

On Wednesday I had lunch with President Weber, Joe Passaretti, and Sandy Ehrlich — all of San Diego State University (SDSU) — and Mary Ann Beyster. The folks at SDSU appear to be quite happy with the grant funds provided by the Foundation for Enterprise Development to support graduate students on their studies of employee ownership. I believe that with the funds provided they will be able to bring along four or five students for a year. As you may remember, we are doing a similar thing with USD, UCSD, Carnegie Mellon, Rutgers, and MIT. I have great expectations for this program.

On Friday I went out sailing on Solutions and we made a routine trip to Oceanside and back. Saturday we were invited to attend a gathering at the home of Pauline Foster in Rancho Santa Fe. This was a thank-you gathering for those who had made contributions to UCSD in the last year.

I’m tempted to shut up about the political situation facing this country at this time. I’m an old guy but I’ve never seen anything like this. It reminds me most of what I remember happening during the Great Depression. Maybe not quite as bad, but getting there. I’m personally not convinced that either candidate has the charismatic characteristics of an FDR or a Kennedy necessary to bail us out in this time of crisis. However, it’s been my experience that this country always finds a way. I think I will hear a few more debates before I make my mind up, and I personally intend to vote, even if I choose a losing candidate.

— Bob