SAIC Solution Kindle Edition Now Available

I was pleased to learn that our publisher has produced a Kindle edition of The SAIC Solution. It is now available on, where those of you with Kindles can download it instantly. I would like to hear back from those of you who buy the Kindle edition. Please let me know how it looks and if you have feedback on the book.

While I am on the topic of The SAIC Solution and, I would like to ask you for a favor. Despite having sold thousands of copies and receiving direct feedback, there are currently only two reviews on If you would take a few moments to post a review of The SAIC Solution on Amazon, I would appreciate it.

I was told the process is quite simple and takes no more than five minutes, if you are already a registered customer on Amazon. Simply go to the Amazon page for The SAIC Solution, scroll to the Customer Reviews section at the bottom of the page, and click the “Create your own review” button. Enter your Amazon account email address and password, and you will be able to enter your review. Amazon provides review guidelines at here.

If you’re not currently a registered user of, you can become one by buying an item on the site. Amazon will allow you to post a review of The SAIC Solution 24 hours after you make your first transaction. I hear Amazon is doing quite well with book sales and reviews matter. Thank you for taking time to post a review.

— Bob