SAIC Solution Second Edition Cover

I was recently given a proof of the front and back covers to review for my upcoming book, The SAIC Solution 2nd Edition. I am pleased with the final result. I have included copies of both covers below. When finalized, the cover will be re-posted here and on the website such that the photo image can be enlarged.

I would like to thank all the SAIC employees, past and present, who submitted photos for the front cover. If it wasn’t for all of you — and your many thousands of coworkers — SAIC wouldn’t have been the great success story that it was.

I would also like to take the opportunity to thank those of you who submitted suggestions for a new subtitle for the book. There were many good suggestions. Ultimately, we decided on “Built by Employee Owners.” The old SAIC was definitely built by employee owners, and it made our company unique among government contractors. We were more entrepreneurial and less concerned about what Wall Street thought about us. Our goal was to do important work for our nation, and to earn a modest profit in the process. We consistently did both.

Thanks to Hugh Kendrick for suggesting the new subtitle, “Built by Employee Owners.” I would also like to thank Chet Laird, Bill Proffer, and Wayne Coleman for suggesting the subtitle “None of Us Is As Smart As All of Us.” While we didn’t use it for the book’s subtitle, we did use it as a tagline for the back cover.

As a reward for your contributions, I would like to extend an invitation for each of you to join me on my boat Solutions for lunch and an afternoon cruise on San Diego Bay. Please contact Ralph or leave a message on this blog to make arrangements.

, Bob