Dr. J. Robert Beyster’s Blogs

dr j. beysters blog
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Fragmented Internet and Super WiFi Networks

I was very interested to read an article in this week's Washington Post about Google CEO Eric Schmidt's belief that China will one...

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Confusion over Who Invented the Internet

I recently read an intriguing article in the Wall Street Journal titled "Who Really Invented the Internet?" As you may be aware, I...

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Facebook IPO and Memorial Day

The big news this past week was the Facebook IPO. As you surely know by now, most investment analysts had great expectations for t...

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Halloween and Network Solutions Book Update

Last week was a good week for me. Halloween was particularly notable. We had many visitors on Sunday evening -- we live right next...

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Car Bombs, Oil Leaks, and Working on the Book

I thought the days of car bombs in this country were over. So I was surprised to learn of the failed car bomb in Times Square this...

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Network Solutions Book: Next Steps

As most of you probably know, this is not the best time to publish a new book. The industry is in tough shape and publishers are l...

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