Week thirty

As the year draws to a close, I would like to thank you all for participating in my blog, and leaving your comments for me to read. I have enjoyed our discussions and the opportunity to keep in touch and to renew so many good acquaintances. Betty, I, and our children wish you and yours a very happy New Year. See you in 2007.

Click on the comments link to share your thoughts.

– Bob

Here are my responses to previous weeks’ comments:

Keith Nightingale (Week 29): Thanks for your blog comments. Looks like a very busy Christmas season for the Beyster family. It’s unusually cold here in San Diego so you should feel sorry for us while you are in Hawaii. If you’re down here after your return, please drop in and see all of us.

Mary Lou Dunford (Week 28): Thanks for your constructive comments. Maybe Amazon would consider pairing the book with “Pirates of San Diego Bay.”

William Weeks (Week 28): Good to hear from you again. I am surprised and pleased that a consortium is looking into building two new nuclear power plants. Are they really expecting to do that in Houston, the oil capital of the world? Anyway, we badly need the energy and I’m sure our great-grandchildren will benefit from these efforts. Why don’t you tell us more about your entrepreneurial endeavor?

ONE NOTE: A couple of posts were inadvertently erased from our computer. If you recently submitted a post and have not seen it appear, please re-send it. Thank you.