America’s Cup and the Reagan Library

The last two weeks have been very eventful for me. On Friday the 11th, I had the opportunity to watch the America’s Cup boats practicing in San Diego Bay. We had lunch upstairs at the Fish Market restaurant on Harbor Drive and had a fantastic view of the action.

The boats were participating in the America’s Cup World Series, which made a stop here in San Diego over the past couple of weeks. The boats are AC45 catamarans with rigid wingsails. We have had plenty of wind here in San Diego lately, and the boats were moving pretty quick, often tipping up on just one hull.

After leaving San Diego, the boats head to Naples and then Venice, Italy, for winter training. The actual America’s Cup competition is currently scheduled for the summer of 2013 in San Francisco, and I hope I have an opportunity to watch the race.

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On Wednesday the 16th, I visited the Reagan Library in Simi Valley with Robert Craig, who drove us there. The museum is very impressive and we had a good time. I highly recommend it.

There is an actual segment of the Berlin Wall on display and the Boeing 707 that President Reagan used for Air Force One is housed in a large hangar on the museum grounds. I bought a book and several other items in the gift shop.

— Bob