Dr. J. Robert Beyster’s Blogs

dr j. beysters blog
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Wedding Anniversary and America’s Cup

My wife Betty and I celebrated our anniversary on Sunday. It's hard for me to believe that we have been married 58 years now. I...

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Birthday Thanks and Network Solutions Book Galley Proof

I would first like to thank everyone for your notes and messages and phone calls on my birthday. I am delighted to have lived long...

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Campus Point Time Capsule

An interesting event took place at Campus Point on Monday when a time capsule that was buried there 25 years ago by SAIC was dug u...

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America’s Cup and the Reagan Library

The last two weeks have been very eventful for me. On Friday the 11th, I had the opportunity to watch the America's Cup boats prac...

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Beyster Fellowships and the America’s Cup

This past July 22-23, the FED conducted the 2009 Beyster Fellowship Symposium here in La Jolla at the Museum of Modern Art. There ...

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Senate Change, Submarines, and the America’s Cup

Being a Republican, I was very pleased to see Scott Brown win the Senate seat in Massachusetts. One of the things that makes this ...

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