Senate Change, Submarines, and the America’s Cup

Being a Republican, I was very pleased to see Scott Brown win the Senate seat in Massachusetts. One of the things that makes this country great is the fact that new superstars pop up from time to time within both the Democrat and Republican parties. In this case, Senator Brown shocked the nation and the President into realizing that there is a real need for compromise if we are to dig our way out of the current economic troubles. I watched his debates on C-SPAN and he clearly had a commonsense message for the American public. Although many of the people and politics of the Republican party are not to my liking, Brown is a breath of fresh air.

I kept pretty busy last week. On Tuesday I spoke on the phone with Admiral Bruce DeMars, who served as Director of Naval Nuclear Propulsion from 1988 to 1996. Admiral Demars is chairman of the Naval Historical Foundation, which is located in the Washington Navy Yard in Washington, D.C. We talked about an exhibit on U.S. Navy submarine activities he is helping put together at the Navy Museum. I found his idea interesting and I plan to support it. That is if they’re not snowed in too much.

On Friday we weren’t able to motor to Oceanside because the weather was bad. We instead went to the Loews Resort in Coronado. I’m keeping an eye on the America’s Cup. The first race was to take place yesterday, but it was postponed until Wednesday due to light winds. We’ll soon see if Larry Ellison’s boat and crew are up to the task of bringing the Cup back home to the United States. I hope they are.

— Bob