On the morning of the Florida primary, I’m wondering what exactly happened to Rudy Giuliani. It was just a few months ago that he was the top contender for the Republican nomination to run as president and I had great expectations for him. However, he may have a few warts that are unacceptable to many voters. It appears that the race for the Republican nomination will come down to McCain and Romney. I just read the latest Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll, and the message is loud and clear now to the candidates — focus on the economy. On the Democrats’ side, it’s still a race between Clinton and Obama with Edwards running third, but still picking up delegates and potentially moving into a position to have considerable power as a dealmaker going into the convention.

Here’s a poll that ran in the Wall Street Journal last Friday — I’m interested in your responses. Next week I’ll compare our results to those from the Wall Street Journal.


Which party would do better on:


SBIR Success Reports

I thought I’d mention that the FED successfully delivered SBIR success reports to the DARPA SBIR program manager, Connie Jacobs, who will soon be retiring. I read all the reports and it looks like there are many promising ideas. I am sure the military services are pleased with the end results. You can view the reports online.

10 Responses to “Presidential Nominations and SBIR Success Reports”

  1. 1 Dennis Sherrard

    Dr. Beyster, just found your blog. I hope you’re doing well and we miss you here at SAIC. Take care,


  2. 2 Dr. Beyster

    Thanks for the blog entry, Dennis. I see from the Internet that you are working on life sciences projects at SAIC. I would like to hear back from you more about what you’re doing. — Bob

  3. 3 James

    Dr. Beyster,

    I just found this site. I worked for SAIC for 7 years and left in 2003. I achieved more personal and professional growth at SAIC than anywhere else in my entire career. Thank you for creating a company that fostered such a great environment and hosted a remarkable group of people.

    I credit my SAIC experience with giving me the experience and confidence needed to start my own company.

    Best wishes to you and your family.


  4. 4 Dr. Beyster

    James: Thanks for your blog entry. I gather you are working on SBIR programs at the Air Force Research Lab. My daughter Mary Ann is helping DARPA identify opportunities to transition SBIR-developed technologies into the military services or other federal agencies. You might enjoy getting together with her sometime. She travels quite a bit. Are you in Dayton? If she passes through she’ll surely look you up. — Bob

  5. 5 James

    Hello Dr. Beyster,

    We are actually located in Norman, Oklahoma – although our primary customer is in Dayton (AFRL).

    We would love to meet with Mary Ann sometime. Our primary focus is micro air vehicles (MAV’s) and energy harvesting/power management.

    Best regards,

  6. 6 Dr. Beyster

    James: We will forward your contact information to my daughter Mary Ann since she will most surely be interested in getting together with you and understanding your technology. Her program is primarily sponsored by DARPA. — Bob

  7. 7 ArrelfGep

    Well this morning is certainly a triumph for the democracy of Egypt. Living in a democratic country it is difficult to think how terriuble dictatorship can be. Long live democracy

  8. 8 Dr. Beyster

    ArrelfGep: I watched with great interest the democratization process going on in Egypt these past few weeks. The triumph of democracy in Egypt is a very inspiring event, and I am hopeful that the Egyptian military will keep the momentum moving forward with free and fair elections in September of this year. It seems that things are pretty much under control now. I think Mubarak’s departure was overdue. We had quite a few Egyptians at SAIC when I was there, and I found that they were very capable people. — Bob

  9. 9 eldepeker

    hello there, its a nice day outside today, dont you think?
    winter almost gone!!

  10. 10 Dr. Beyster

    eldepeker: Spring has definitely arrived on the calendar, but it is still cold and cloudy here in San Diego. I am looking forward to some warm weather, hopefully soon. — Bob

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