What’s On Your Mind?

Some of you may have heard that I was ill over the past month. I have been in and out of the hospital a couple times, but I think I am on the mend. I am back in business now, and I would like to encourage you, my loyal blog readers, to have some correspondence with me.

We can talk about current events, politics, science, SAIC, or whatever you might have on your mind. I enjoy communicating with all of you, and I want to keep in touch with my old friends.

12 Responses to “What’s On Your Mind?”

  1. 1 David Lingner

    I’m glad you’re on the mend. It’s been nice hearing your name (Beyster Foundation) as a sponsor of public radio a few times during the past few weeks. I’ve got a bit of catching up to do with your recent posts. (Not to mention catching up with my own postings.) Thanks for doing the blog. I’m happy to be connected with you.

    - Dave Lingner (SAIC 1990-2007)

  2. 2 Matt Devost

    Dr. Beyster,

    Glad to hear you are feeling better. Here’s a question I would love to hear your response to.

    Do you think it would be possible to build a company like SAIC if you were starting today (circa 2011)?


  3. 3 Leon Pawinski

    Hi Bob,

    Glad you are feeling better. I read a book over the weekend about Los Alamos right before the first Trinity test. They spend alot of time talking about how Groves and Oppenheimer ran the place (or at lease guessed) and I could not help but find a parallel between my early experiences at SAIC and the methods Dr. Oppenhiemer used to manage both the administrative side of a large program and the people side related to managing not just the technical needs of the scientists but also their personal needs. Dr. Oppenheimer seemed to know everyone who worked for him beyond their technical talent. The way you knew the people who worked for you and combined the business of running a great company with the needs of the people is really a rare talent. Do you think your own time at Los Alamos may have started you thinking this way or was it a skill that was developed from other life experiences?

    See you soon


  4. 4 Joe Pasquale

    Dear Dr. Beyster,
    I just happened to check in to your blog and learned that you had not been feeling well the last month or so, but are now doing better, which I’m very happy to hear. I wish you speedy recovery back to normal, and look forward to your blog updates which I find very interesting.



  5. 5 Andre Milteer, M.A.

    Same here…surprised to learn Dr B was less than feeling fine. Sounds like the page has turned; Dr Beyster is @Top of Health???

  6. 6 Dr. Beyster

    David: It is good to hear from you. There are a lot of posts on this blog, so I hope you don’t get too worn out reading through all of them. — Bob

  7. 7 Dr. Beyster

    Matt: Your question is a good one. I personally would like to think it is possible today to build an employee-owned company as good as or perhaps even better than SAIC. The problem has always been the short-term perspective of many company founders and their executive teams. It seems that the majority of founders want to get their money and run as quickly as they can, most often through venture capital and then an IPO. You may recall that we were approached by venture capitalists early in SAIC’s history. Aside from a small cash infusion that we took from a group of dentists very early on, we turned down any further investments in the company from outsiders. Instead, we committed to a slow-and-steady course where our growth was determined by our entrepreneurial project leaders. I believe that a company could follow the SAIC example and be a success as a result, but it would take a very special leadership team — one committed to steady, long-term growth and rewards. Thank you for your question. — Bob

  8. 8 Dr. Beyster

    Leon: Working at Los Alamos was a very special time for me. I think part of the magic of that time was that we were all part of a close-knit team doing very important things for our country. We knew that the nation depended on us, and that was very motivating. Of course, Los Alamos is also where I met my wife Betty, so I would have to say that it was a very special time for me in more ways than one. — Bob

  9. 9 Dr. Beyster

    Joe: Thank you for the note and also for the well wishes. I am looking forward to getting back to my usual routine. It has been some time since I have been out on my boat, and I miss being on the water. Hopefully I will have the opportunity sometime this upcoming month. — Bob

  10. 10 Gary Barker

    Hello Dr. Beyster,

    Enjoyed meeting you on your book tour and reading your blog and travels. Glad you had time on the “Solutions”. I enjoy spending time on my friend’s boat here in Virginia Beach Virginia.
    Today I hit a major milestone with SAIC, my 20 year anniversary. I started on 27 December 1991 on the CHCS project at Navel Medical Center Portsmouth Virginia. Held many other positions in the company at multiple locations. Currently at Langley AFB in Virginia. I remember thinking it was the best Christmas present I could have received. I was excited about the new technology and the employee stock ownership program.
    After completing my Masters Degree, been working on IT certifications. I took the CEH (Certified Ethical Hacker) test last week. A very good program and on the front page of the Wall Street Journal the day I took the test was an article about Chinese hacking United States systems.
    Plan on taking more security classes in the future, I think this is the best plan for my career.

    Cheers for 2012!!


  11. 11 Dr. Beyster

    Gary: Nice to hear from you, I’m sure you’re doing well. Congratulations on reaching the 20-year milestone with SAIC. I assume you’re a part of Carl Albero’s contingent there in Virginia Beach. That group has always done good work on behalf of SAIC. I think you’re right in making your career move now. It appears that information technology security will be a growth industry for many years into the future. — Bob

  12. 12 Nanci Simkin

    The Celebration of Life event was amazing. It was a wonderful tribute to a brilliant and generous man. I am so blessed to have worked at SAIC with very intelligent and caring people. Thank you for hosting a fantastic tribute that honored a human being that really made in difference!

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