Memorial Day Wishes

As I reflect on Memorial Day here in my study, I think about what’s going on in the world today. I strongly believe that those who live in this country have a lot to be grateful for. Life here can be painful at times, but things always have a way of working out. I wish you and yours a very happy Memorial Day. If you can, please keep in touch with me via this blog. It’s always good to chat with my friends.

By the way, the Michigan Engineer magazine ran a profile on me in their Spring 2011 issue. You can read it here.

– Bob

4 Responses to “Memorial Day Wishes”

  1. 1 Larry Janning

    Dr. Beyster,

    Thanks for the Memorial Day wishes. We truly have much to be grateful for and I think about that often.

    Just wanted to update you on our latest endeavor. When we last chatted I told you I was building an employee-owned company in Dayton. We’ve begun that and have one recent success in the process. We recently designed, developed, and demonstrated a disposable short-range UAV for the Air Force. My desire was to make an ISR device so cheap that the government could afford to buy one for EVERY soldier (so we’re talking a hundred bucks or so). The goal is to eliminate surprise attacks or ambushes. Fly it out, observe real-time video of the area, then let it land. You can reuse it or leave it – it’s cheap. The “bird” weighs less than a half pound and is stored in a two inch diameter tube. So far, its been fun!

    Seems like every day I’m reminded of the early days of SAIC – watching overhead expenses, working to get the next task or contract, and often wondering if I can keep the whole thing moving forward. It sure seems harder to build a company today than I remember it was in the 80′s. Nonetheless we persevere!

    Glad to see you’re doing well. I greatly enjoy the blog – keep it going!

    Larry Janning

  2. 2 Dr. Beyster

    Larry: It’s good to hear from you after not seeing you for so long. Your product sounds quite innovative and something that could have a very positive impact for our armed forces. It sounds like you are thoroughly enjoying your business. Congratulations on this achievement. Do you know what’s happened with the old SAIC office in Dayton, who’s running it and so forth? Just curious. — Bob

  3. 3 Larry Janning

    Dr. B -

    I don’t know who is running Dayton now. There was a major shift of leadership over the past few years. I do know Dennis Andersh led much of it last year and remains in the mix as lead Business Developer. He does an excellent job at pulling groups together and has had a positive impact on Dayton. Dennis invited me over about a month ago to brief his internal business development council on our new UAV. I saw many new faces in the room and was pleased with their interest in our product as well as their engagement in discussion.

    Since we last chatted we have developed another new gadget. This one allows the user the ability to look on the other side of a block, the other side of a building, or beyond a stand of trees. It weighs less than one ounce! Now all we need is to find a user.


  4. 4 Dr. Beyster

    Larry: It’s not unexpected to me that your Dayton folks would come up with a new and useful product, as our office there did so many times in the past. I hope you get the support you need from the Air Force. — Bob

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