Book Updates and U.S. Government Hacking

We are continuing to make progress with both the book on Network Solutions and the second edition of The SAIC Solution. We are currently working on the NSI book interior design with our publisher, and reviewing some new cover ideas for the second edition of The SAIC Solution. From what I understand, The NSI book will be first out of the gate, with The SAIC Solution to follow two or three months later.

By the way, the FED still has a limited number of autographed copies of the first edition of The SAIC Solution. These books are no longer available through the publisher or If you would like copies, please contact the FED.

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I recently read an interesting article in Bloomberg Businessweek titled “How the U.S. Government Hacks the World.” The article’s author takes an interesting position on China’s ongoing efforts to hack U.S. government agencies and commercial businesses.

He points out that the U.S. does much hacking of its own, amounting to approximately 2 petabytes worth of data each and every hour of the day. Most of this hacking is conducted, according to the article, by the NSA.

The primary thing that makes our hacking different from China’s efforts is that we are prohibited by law from going after commercial businesses. The Chinese, of course, face no such limitation. It will be interesting to see how this all works out over the long run.

— Bob