Network Solutions Book Event at University of Michigan

I was pleased to learn today that the event for our new book on Network Solutions held on November 1 at the University of Michigan College of Engineering School of Entrepreneurship was well attended. Mike Daniels sent me a note that read in part, “We had about 400 students and faculty who attended the book presentation and had lots of good questions from the students. It was a fun day and they seemed to really enjoy hearing our story. There were lots of smart budding entrepreneurs in the crowd.”

The moderator for the event, David Thompson, an Adjunct Assistant Professor at the Center for Entrepreneurship, and Mike covered a variety of topics, from research funded by government, to recruiting the best talent, managing through a political process, charging a fee on the Internet, and creating regional innovation focused on doing things important for the country. I have included a couple of photos from the event. I am looking forward to hearing how the George Mason University event went.

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Monday, November 4 is my wife Betty’s birthday. I’m not sure what plans are for a birthday cake tonight, but I hope Betty likes the flowers I bought her. I also hope the birthday cake is angel food and not chocolate.

, Bob