Now Available: Names, Numbers, and Network Solutions

Names, Numbers, and Network Solutions book coverI am happy to announce that my book about Network Solutions written with Mike Daniels has been published and is now available for purchase on in both softcover and Kindle eBook formats. The book is called Names, Numbers, and Network Solutions, and if you’ve been following this blog, you know that we have been working on it for a number of years.

As far as I know, this is the only book that tells the complete story of NSI’s beginnings, its cooperative agreement with the National Science Foundation to administer the domain name system, and its acquisition by SAIC in 1995. The company played a key role in the commercialization of the Internet and in presiding over its exponential growth during the 1990s. We bought the company for $4.7 million and sold it to VeriSign five years later for $19.3 billion.

Vint Cerf wrote the foreword to the book, and I am pleased with the final result. You can read a preview of the book here.

There are a number of events planned around the book, including programs at the University of Michigan College of Engineering Center for Entrepreneurship on November 1, and the George Mason University School of Management on November 4. You can find more information about these events here. If you buy the book, I hope you will post here what you think about it.

, Bob