Dr. J. Robert Beyster’s Blogs

dr j. beysters blog

NSI Book Event and Nuclear Fusion

I was very pleased to hear that Mike Daniels' presentation at UCSD's Rady School on our book Names, Numbers, and Network Solutions...

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Book Updates and the Old SAI Lunchtime Running Crew

Book Updates and the Old SAI Lunchtime Running Crew

Last Friday evening my daughter Mary Ann Beyster and Names, Numbers, and Network Solutions editor Peter Economy attended the previ...

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Now Available: Names, Numbers, and Network Solutions

I am happy to announce that my book about Network Solutions written with Mike Daniels has been published and is now available for ...

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Network Solutions Book Update

We have begun to receive detailed feedback on the Network Solutions book manuscript from the members of our red team. I believe th...

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Network Solutions Book Update

We continue to make progress on the Network Solutions book. The draft manuscript is currently at the 50% mark and we should have a...

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Rady School, New Book, and 4th of July

Nothing very exciting occurred last week; I was, however, quite busy. On Monday I met with Dean Sullivan to talk about the Rady Sc...

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