Network Solutions Book Update

We continue to make progress on the Network Solutions book. The draft manuscript is currently at the 50% mark and we should have a complete draft by November 1. Finding information about the earliest days of NSI has been a challenge, but we continue to research the topic and conduct interviews. I am confident we will make a significant contribution to the untold story of Network Solutions and SAIC’s involvement in the company. If you have anything you would like to contribute to this story, I hope you will post it on this blog.

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This past Monday we decided to take Solutions to Catalina again. We made it over in about 2 1/2 hours. The island was loaded with young people and tourists. We weren’t able to get a mooring in Avalon Harbor, so we maneuvered over to Descanso Bay, where we were able to tie to a buoy. We then took a shore boat to Avalon. As usual we had lunch at Armstrong’s seafood restaurant. Coming home was a bit exciting because the port engine decided to give us trouble about halfway home. We had to shut down the engine, which caused us to slow from 30 knots to only about 11 knots.

— Bob