NSI Book Event and Nuclear Fusion

I was very pleased to hear that Mike Daniels’ presentation at UCSD’s Rady School on our book Names, Numbers, and Network Solutions was well attended. My wife Betty was able to make it, and she tells me that Mike did a good job explaining NSI’s role in the commercialization of the Internet, and the importance of public-private partnerships for advancing technology in this country.

Unfortunately, I was unable to attend, but I did have lunch with Mike when he was here and I was very happy to spend some time with him. I have included a couple of photos from the UCSD event.

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I just read an interesting article in the New Yorker magazine about the efforts to build a nuclear fusion reactor in France. From what I understand, it will be many years before scientists are able to build a viable fusion reactor, but I have no doubt that it will one day come to pass. The current project goes by the name International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER), and the article is worth a read if you have an interest in this potential power source.

, Bob

Photo of Mike Daniels and Professor Vish Krishnan
Mike Daniels and Professor Vish Krishnan

Photo of Mike Daniels, Betty Beyster, and Bonnie Daniels
Mike Daniels, Betty Beyster, and Bonnie Daniels