Dr. J. Robert Beyster’s Blogs

dr j. beysters blog
J. Robert Beyster Papers at UCSD Special Collections

J. Robert Beyster Papers at UCSD Special Collections

It's been a little more than a year since the passing of Dr. J. Robert Beyster. While he may have left this world, his legacy cont...

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NSI Book Event and Nuclear Fusion

I was very pleased to hear that Mike Daniels' presentation at UCSD's Rady School on our book Names, Numbers, and Network Solutions...

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Screening of “We the Owners”

On Monday I had the opportunity to attend a private screening of the FED's new film "We the Owners" at the Rady School at UCSD. Th...

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November Elections and UCSD Chancellor’s Medal

I was interested to see that Newsweek magazine has apparently given up on President Barack Obama. You may have by now seen the cov...

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Halloween and Network Solutions Book Update

Last week was a good week for me. Halloween was particularly notable. We had many visitors on Sunday evening -- we live right next...

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Memorial Day Thoughts

I hope you all had a relaxing Memorial Day, and that you took some time to remember the men and women who keep our country strong,...

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