November Elections and UCSD Chancellor’s Medal

I was interested to see that Newsweek magazine has apparently given up on President Barack Obama. You may have by now seen the cover of the current issue, which has a color photo of Obama with the large caption, “Hit the Road, Barack — Why We Need a New President.”

I’m going to have a hard time making a decision about who to vote for in November. At the moment I am leaning toward voting for Mitt Romney. It’s not that I think Obama has done a bad job, I just think that it’s time for a change in the office of the President.

While Romney doesn’t have a lot of political experience, I think his business experience will be a good thing for our economy and for our country. It’s clear to me that the gloves have now come off, and that both candidates are hitting each other with everything they’ve got. It’s going to be a close race, and quite an election night.

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Last Thursday was a busy day for me. In the morning Betty and I participated in a filmed interview for UCSD. They are creating a video that I think will be played when we are presented with the Chancellor’s Medal at UCSD’s annual Founder’s Dinner on November 17th.

We were interviewed outside our home, next to the pool. It was a beautiful day and everything seemed to go well.

Later that day, I was interviewed by the San Diego Union-Tribune newspaper. They asked me a lot of questions, including what motivated me to found SAIC. I told them that I just wanted a good place to work. I believe I achieved that goal.

— Bob