Republican National Convention

I am looking forward to watching the Republican convention this week on television, although it looks like the event may be upstaged by what is soon expected to become Hurricane Isaac. While the storm missed Tampa for the most part, it appears to be headed straight for New Orleans, where it may make landfall as a Category 2 storm.

Depending on how much damage is done, this could draw away much of the media coverage of the convention, not to mention the Republican politicians representing the affected states. I personally hope that Isaac turns out to be much ado about nothing, that the damage is minimal, and that the Republicans can focus on the business at hand.

I think it was a good move for Romney’s people to keep some of the more fringe elements of the party such as Sarah Palin, Newt Gingrich, Michele Bachmann, and others like them off the convention stage this election year. To win the independent vote, the party must come across as middle of the road.

— Bob