NSI Book Tour Videos, FED Christmas Party

Mike Daniels has been very busy speaking on behalf of our book, Names, Numbers, and Network Solutions. He is doing a great job , I wish I could be there in person.

Two of Mike’s recent talks are available on the Internet for viewing. The first is an Entrepreneurship Hour Talk Mike gave at the Center for Entrepreneurship at the University of Michigan on November 1st. The second is from George Mason University where he participated in the Brown & Brown Distinguished Speaker Series on November 4th. If you have an interest in the role of Network Solutions in the commercialization of the Internet , and how SAIC played a key part , I think you will find Mike’s videos of great interest.

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Betty and I attended the FED Christmas Party last week and we had a very enjoyable time. It was great to see many of my long-time friends from SAIC, along with FED and Beyster Institute staff. The party was at Roppongi in La Jolla, and the food was good.

Speaking of Roppongi, I have been having lunch there with Robert Craig every Tuesday. Ralph has been inviting some of my old friends to join us at these lunches. Please contact Ralph if you are interested in having lunch with us.

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I am still making field trips away from home every week. Last week we drove to Santa Monica, where we had lunch at Water Grill, right across from the beach. I had a 1.5 pound spiny lobster, calamari, an oyster, and bread pudding for dessert. I was pleased with my choices.

, Bob