Dr. J. Robert Beyster’s Blogs

dr j. beysters blog
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Looking Back, Looking Forward

As I look back over the year 2012, there was both good news and bad. First the bad news. The candidate I wanted to win the Pres...

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Domestic Use of Drones, Lunch with a Friend, and Summer Reading

I recently read an interesting article in the New Yorker magazine about the increasing domestic use of drones. Most of the article...

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Republican Candidates and Trip to the East

There was yet another Republican Presidential debate on TV again last night, and I frankly am undecided about who to vote for. It ...

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Brinksmanship and Improving Health

I see in the news that Congress and the President are playing a game of brinksmanship again with the federal government. If the go...

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Innovation and Economic Growth

An article in our local newspaper reported that Qualcomm co-founder Irwin Jacobs spoke before Congress last week in support of the...

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Awards, Rankings, and Testimony

Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year Awards The big news last week was that I attended the annual local Ernst & Young Entrepr...

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