Dr. J. Robert Beyster’s Blogs

dr j. beysters blog
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Research Recognition and Advancements

I am very pleased to see that some of the scientists I have worked with over the past few years are being recognized for their goo...

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Ocean Sampling Update

Last week I met with Andy Allen from the Venter Institute. Andy updated me on some of the results of our ocean sampling program fr...

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Mid-Term Elections, Dissertation Proposal Award, and Ocean Sampling

I have been following the upcoming mid-term elections with great interest. To be honest, I'm not particularly impressed with any o...

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Finding Phytoplankton in San Diego

On Thursday, August 12th, I met with John Evey, Andy Alan, and several others from the Venter Institute to discuss further their p...

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Venter Institute Ocean Sampling Program

Venter Institute Ocean Sampling Program

Last week I met with John Evey and Chris Dupont from the J. Craig Venter Institute here in La Jolla. They were here to brief me on...

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Genome Research and The Oscars

Last week I spent a lot of time with some genome specialists who work at the Venter Institute. On Thursday I was given an update o...

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