Wanted: Book Title Suggestions

My first observation for today is that we have a lot of people looking at the blog, but not a lot of people commenting. Maybe we can do something about that today.

Last week was a moderately eventful week for me. In addition to my usual meetings at Cave Street, I went boating with my physical therapist Keith and Ron Arnold. Friday was Halloween and my son Jim dressed up as a vampire and scared the neighborhood kids. We had 100 such visitors.

On Monday, Mary Ann, Peter, and I spent the morning selecting some candidate book agents. We discussed our tentative title — Inventing the Internet — which will generally feature topics on the early days of the Internet and Network Solutions, the days when SAIC was running it, Verisign’s term, and some comments on the future. I’m not sure we have selected the best title; that’s why it’s tentative. If any of you would choose to recommend a title of your own, we would give it proper consideration. I’ll take the winner to lunch in San Diego.

Today we will all know who’s going to be running the country, and I hope we will all stand behind whomever is chosen. I’m interested in your feelings about the future of country under the new administration, although it’s difficult to predict. My priorities for the future will depend on who is selected. The financial markets are so bad lately that it’s hard to make a move. The bond market where I have most of my investments is holding, but not tremendously well.

Finally, Mary Ann asked me to mention that the FED has successfully launched the Curriculum Library on Employee Ownership (CLEO). Working with the Employee Ownership Foundation and the Aspen Institute Center for Business Education, the FED has created the largest online library of university teaching materials on employee ownership. To have a look for yourself, visit www.caseplace.org, and do a search for “employee ownership.”
