Election Thoughts, Palm Desert Trip, and Keep Those Book Titles Coming!

Last week the major event for me was the election, which I followed very carefully because my man wasn’t winning. It was certainly a spectacle and I’m glad it’s over. I wish Obama well, as do all of you — he’s got his work cut out for him since the country’s problems seem to be deepening.

It’s too early for me to comment on his performance and it’s really unfair for me to do so until he’s done something. Believe it or not, I was not impressed by the argument that he had a few friends from his past who he was not very proud of — we’re probably all in the same boat.

On Wednesday this week we are going to Palm Desert to attend the national awards ceremony for the Ernst & Young Entrepreneurs of the Year. Awards are given in a number of different categories, including life sciences, technology, business services, manufacturing/distribution, and others. The event is exciting and the information makes me a better person.

I will have more to say when I return, but I would like to thank the readers who have made suggestions for titles for the book. Please keep them coming.