Week twenty-four: Pre-order book

Well, the book won’t be published until the spring — March 2007 we think — but it has already been listed on Amazon.com and is available for preorder. Some parts of the publishing process seem to take forever, while others go quickly. This was one of the quick parts.

Click on the comments link to share your thoughts.

– Bob

Here are my responses to previous weeks’ comments:

Duane Hove (Week 23): We plan to have a very active campaign including signings which will begin in March, probably at Warwick’s here in La Jolla, and at the Beyster Institute/NCEO annual conference which will be in San Diego in the spring. The publisher will also be active in promoting the book, and we will actively promote the book in Washington D.C.

William Weeks (Week 23): I agree that endorsements and reviews are an important part of the process. We will be pursuing both.

Bob Kamen (Week 23/Part 1): Rancho La Puerta has changed a bit I suspect since you visited. The wife of the founder now manages it, and the spa has grown in size and scope. It is one of the five best spas in the world. It turned out to be a very good place to spend a week and get away from all my trials and tribulations. I would recommend Rancho La Puerta highly to those who like peace and quiet. I suspect that I should not comment on the IPO. I was not at the bell ringing on Wall Street, but it seemed to me that everything went pretty well.

Mike Moore (Week 23): It was always a pleasure to work with you — whether you worked at SAIC, or you were our boss at the County of San Diego. You did a masterful job in helping the County stay on budget while still getting the information systems job done. I really enjoyed our association.

Cecelia McCloy (Week 23): We’re cranking up the promotional machine for the book now, and I’m sure it’s going to keep us very busy in the coming months. What are you doing these days?

Charlie Stevens (Week 23): Thanks for your ideas. I don’t think I’m ready for Larry King yet, or Jim Cramer. But I do expect to be spending some time discussing the book with local media outlets.

Gael Tarleton (Week 23): Our plans are to go ahead and initiate a modest promotional plan for the book, which will incorporate some of the ideas you have suggested.

Bob Kamen (Week 23/Part 2): I’m not too worried about the press — thanks for your comments. At this stage, I’m welcoming any publicity for the book we can get — even comments in the pseudo press. By the way, what is that? I probably still have a few surprises in me.

Bob Golden (Week 23): I love to hear success stories like you described, where employee ownership has been successfully established. I’m sure Carl Albero had a lot to do with educating you on both entrepreneurship and employee ownership. It will be a successful recipe for you in the Tidewater area. Don’t forget to keep the costs down.