Back to Work

I’ve been trying to unwind since returning to San Diego from the America’s Cup competition in Valencia. Further tours promoting the book are being scheduled for August, September, and October. The later ones will occur when temperatures are more reasonable. At the present time I’m working with Peter Economy on suggestions to the editors for the second printing of the book, incorporating many of the comments we’ve received and which really need to be made a part of the book. It will be a big job for us to modify the first printing, and include the comments in just the right places. It is nonetheless something I will enjoy doing. So, please, as you think further about the book, let us know of anything you feel strongly we’ve omitted.

In June I decided to purchase a powerboat, which I could use locally and for trips to Mexico, the Channel Islands, Santa Catalina, San Clemente, and ports of call along the west coast south of Los Angeles. The boat has arrived and it’s currently undergoing major maintenance to one of the engines and other crucial repairs before we put it into use. These are almost exclusively repairs under warranty. So, during the next month I will be spending time learning how to run the boat so that I can utilize it on the three Fridays of the month that I’m not sailing on The Blue Moon motorsailer, in which I own a small financial interest. This will be sort of a vacation for us again. In August, I will be traveling to Anaheim to DARPATech 2007 and signing books and speaking at San Diego State. At La Jolla Playhouse last Saturday night we saw a new musical — Carmen — which is now on the way to Broadway. I highly recommend it to those of you who are interested in the theater. Other than that, we’re open for business on the blog, and I look forward to visiting with you through that medium if not in person during my upcoming book tours.

— Bob