Salvation Army, Paradise Point, and Tension in Georgia

Considering the fact that Mary Ann was gone for much of the week and Ralph was gone for all of the week, I managed to find quite a few things to do. One of the charities that Betty and I give to is the Salvation Army. They have a facility out in East San Diego called the Door of Hope. This is primarily for unwed, teen-aged mothers. We spent several hours on Monday touring the facilities and having lunch with the staff. I was truly impressed how much they can do on a small budget. Of all the charities we support, they are probably the most efficient.

On Wednesday Robert Craig and I spent most of the day together working on our computers, filing in my office, and planning my next adventure. We scheduled a boat trip on Friday. Catalina was booked solid for moorings, so we were unable to go there. We therefore tried a new place in Mission Bay called Paradise Point and had lunch at the Barefoot Bar and Grill. I’m looking forward to the fall, which starts within a month and all the kids are back to school. Catalina won’t be so busy. However, the way it looks, it seems like we might be successful getting into Catalina tomorrow. At least that’s the plan for now.

I have been following with interest — as I’m sure you have — the events in Georgia and observing how easy it is for a tinderbox to ignite without a lot of provocation. This seems to be concerning the United Nations — is Russia going to behave itself in the future and should they be given favored trading status with the West? We should all be keeping a close eye on this — don’t hesitate to make your thoughts known.

— Bob