The big news in Washington today seems to be the deal that President Obama reached with Iran on their nuclear technology program. ...
Dr. J. Robert Beyster’s Blogs

North Korean Threat and Domestic Use of Drones
I guess it should be no surprise to anyone that North Korea has tested another nuclear device that according to the reports I have...
Looking Back, Looking Forward
As I look back over the year 2012, there was both good news and bad. First the bad news. The candidate I wanted to win the Pres...
Presidential Election and an Article on SAIC
Well, the Presidential election is now just hours away from taking place and from what I gather, each side is both worried and hop...
National Debt, Michigan Trip, San Diego Sailing
You may recall that during the Republican convention a month ago our national debt passed the $16 trillion mark. This works out to...
Confusion over Who Invented the Internet
I recently read an intriguing article in the Wall Street Journal titled "Who Really Invented the Internet?" As you may be aware, I...