In the last week, I have been focusing on settling a number of matters before I go east for a few days for the Horatio Alger ceremony. I’ve been working on my speech, which will contain lessons learned during my lifetime and which are important for the attendees to hear directly from my mouth. There will be a group of Horatio Alger student scholars who will also attend these events, and I will try to make my presentation meaningful to them as well. In addition, since I don’t travel much, we’ll be packing over the next few days so we don’t forget anything. I’ll give you a full report when I return.

I heard Craig Venter talk again last Thursday, a week ago, at the Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences at UCSD. I constantly learn a great deal about the potential power of genome sequencing from his talks. For example, it’s Craig’s feeling that eventually we will — with the right genetic environment — be able to develop methods for creating new synthetic fuels biologically. In the long term, this will lessen our dependence on oil, particularly foreign oil.

– Bob

2 Responses to “Preparing for the Horatio Alger Ceremony”

  1. 1 Al Buckles

    I am looking forward to hearing your speech at the Horatio Alger ceremony.
    It is a great event and they will be recoganizing great individuals who have made a difference in many lives. Lucy and I will be sitting with Mike Yanney and his wife. We are really looking forward to seeing you, Betty and Mary Ann
    See again. Have a great trip/ Will see you next week end
    Al Buckles

  2. 2 Dr. Beyster

    Al: I’ll look forward to seeing you and your wife, too. – Bob

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